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中英文版55世纪 房进风量计算Generator room wind intake calculation

作者:中威网络部 来源:移动式沃尔沃静音箱100KW55世纪 组 发表时间:2020-02-26 02:01:42 查看:
55世纪 房采用清洁式通风时,应按下列规定计算进、排风量:

When diesel generator room adopts clean ventilation,Calculate the intake air volume and the exhaust air volume as follows:
1.当55世纪 房采用空气冷却时,按消除55世纪 房内余热计算进风量;

1. When the diesel generator room adopts air cooling, the intake air volume is calculated by eliminating the residual heat in the diesel generator room;

2.当55世纪 房采用水冷却时,按排除55世纪 房内有害气体所需的通风量经计算确定。有害气体的容许含量取:CO为30mg/m3,丙烯醛为0.3mg/m3,或按大于等于20m3/(kW·h)计算进风量;

2.When the diesel generator room is water-cooled, the permissible amount of harmful gases determined by removing the amount of ventilation required for harmful gases in the diesel generator room is: CO is 30 mg/m3, and acrolein is 0.3 mg/m3. Or calculate the amount of air intake greater than or equal to 20 cubic meters/(kilowatt-h);



3.Exhaust volume is equal to wind intake minus combustion wind quantity.

The amount of diesel engine combustion air can be calculated based on the diesel engine rated power and empirical data: 7m3/(kW·h).For clean ventilation, the combustion air required by the diesel engine directly uses the air in the generator room. In the case of isolation and protection, outdoor air shall be introduced from the air inlet pipe or exhaust pipe of the engine room, but the resistance of the air intake system should not exceed 1 kPa.
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